WebDAV Connector

5 minute read Last updated on September 11, 2024

WebDAV Connector Icon

WebDAV (Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning) is a standard protocol allowing users to access files on remote web servers. The Dispatcher Stratus WebDAV Connector allows you to browse folders and upload files on a WebDAV Server. Documents can be sent to a WebDAV Server via an automated workflow, or you can log into the WebDAV Server directly at the MFP panel.

Note: To use the WebDAV Connector, you must have access to a WebDAV server.


Configuring the WebDAV Connector

To open the node’s configuration window (shown above), add a WebDAV Connector distribution node to your workflow and double-click on it. You have the following options:

  • Enabled - To enable this node in the current workflow, select the toggle until “Enabled” displays. The default setting is “Enabled”. If you disable the node:

    • The workflow will ignore the node.

    • The node will not check for logic or error conditions.

    Important! If you disable this node, and no other distribution nodes are enabled, it will not cause the workflow to fail validation, but no processed documents will output and they may be lost.

  • Name - The name in this field appears below the node’s icon in the workflow. The node’s name defaults, but you can edit it. For example, you can specify a name that indicates the node’s function in the workflow.

  • Description - Enter a description for this node that details its purpose in the workflow, and/or to distinguish it from other nodes in the workflow. If the description is long, you can hover the mouse over the field to read its entire contents.

    This field is optional and is for internal use. That is, it appears only in this window and not in the workflow.


  • Help - Accesses Online Help.
  • Metadata - Accesses the Metadata Browser.
  • Cancel - Exits the window without saving any changes.
  • Save - Preserves your node configuration and exits the window.


To connect to WebDAV, do the following:

  1. In the Authorization area, enter the WebDAV URL, Account/Username, and Password of the WebDAV server.

    WebDAV Login

  2. Select Login.

    WebDAV Login

You return to the WebDAV Connector.

To modify the default Connection Timeout (the number of seconds the system is allowed to attempt to connect with the specified account), enter a value in the Connection Timeout field.

Document Options

In the Document Options area, you can update certain aspects of documents that pass through the node.

  • Overwrite Document in Library - By checking this box, a document that is uploaded to WebDAV with the same name as an existing document will replace the existing document. By default, this box is unchecked, and new documents with the same name will have a unique number added so as to save both versions.

Customizing the WebDAV Connector Node

Once connected to a WebDAV account, the Folder Browser area populates with a tree-view of your WebDAV folders, sub-folders, and files. Browse through your WebDAV folder structure and choose a folder in which to store your documents. The Folder Path field automatically updates with the selected folder path.

Sending Documents to a New Folder

To create a new folder in WebDAV, select New Folder from the Folder Browser toolbar. The Create New Folder window appears:

Create a New Folder

Enter the name for the new folder in the Folder Name field, and then select Create. The folder appears in the Folder Browser.

You can also type in a folder path that includes one or more folders that do not currently exist within the WebDAV account. The WebDAV Connector will automatically create any new folders and then upload the document(s) to that location.

File Name Restrictions

The following restrictions apply to file names:

  • File names cannot start with a space or end with a space

  • You cannot start a file name with two period characters (..)

  • Non-printable characters cannot be included in a file name (tabs, newlines, etc.)

  • Do not use <  >  :  "  /  \  |  ?  * ~

Folder Name Restrictions

Folder names cannot contain the ~ (tilde) character.

View Options

You can adjust the default view of your WebDAV folders in the node properties window by using the buttons on the top right-hand side of the window:

Icon Name Description
WebDAV at the MFP Show/Hide Files Click this button to show or hide files stored in WebDAV folders. When you have selected to Hide Files, you will only see folders.
WebDAV at the MFP Refresh Click this button to refresh the current view with the most up-to-date folders/files.
WebDAV at the MFP Change View Click this button to change from list view to grid view and back.

Accessing WebDAV at the MFP

At the MFP, take the following steps:

  1. Select your workflow - If only one workflow is currently running, that workflow appears. However, if multiple workflows are running, the Selection screen appears and you must select a workflow.

  2. Scan your document - Use the MFP to scan your document. Options available are dependent upon the options selected in the MFP Capture node. If a Form Selector node has been configured, continue to step 3. Otherwise, skip to step 5.

  3. Enter your login credentials - If a WebDAV account has not already been selected during node setup, you will need to tap the Add Account button to add your WebDAV account before entering your login credentials.

  4. Select your File Destination - When you are logged in, you can use the folder navigation to select the destination for your file upload. The Folder Path field displays the current folder path of the destination folder.

  1. Select the “Scan” button - This will send the scanned document to the selected WebDAV account and folder.