Tenancies and Onboarding

5 minute read Last updated on September 30, 2024

Dispatcher Stratus is a cloud-based, multi-tenancy platform that enables you to remotely manage tenants, workflows, and more. Each tenancy can have its own manager, administrators, and tenant members (users), each of which has various permissions within the platform. While each individual tenancy is separate from others, tenant managers can have permissions over multiple tenancies, and any user can belong to multiple tenants, with different permissions for each, as needed. This page explains how to get started managing your tenant.

Tenant role selection window

Overview of Tenants

A tenant, or tenancy, is a grouping of at least one purchased license. Tenants can be set up by a third party, such as a dealer, or by the purchasing organization. Within each tenant, the organization can add users, register devices, and manage workflows, each according to the organization’s needs. For example, an organization may require only a single tenant with a single device registered. Another organization may have multiple tenancies, one for each of their branches, each with multiple devices registered.

Roles and Permissions

Each tenant member must have a role, each role having different permissions within the tenant:

Use Cases for Single/Multi-Tenancy

Dispatcher Stratus is a true multi-tenancy platform in which multiple tenants can be viewed and managed from a single solution. You can manage your own tenancies, or you can arrange for a third-party to oversee your tenancies. The platform provides a single interface for both options. Benefits of multi-tenancy include:

  • High scalability

  • Faster deployment and streamlined onboarding

  • Centralized analytics and reporting to optimize usage

  • Increased transparency in operations

  • Enhanced flexibility

Onboarding into Your Tenant

The following sections describe the onboarding process for members of your new tenant.

Note: Once the onboarding process is complete, tenant invitees who accept their invitation can log directly into the tenant using their MarketPlace credentials.

As a Tenant Admin

Tenant admins have permission to configure many aspects of the tenant. To set up a tenant as a Tenant Admin, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the Role Selection panel. Do one of the following:

    a. Click on the link in a Tenant Admin invite email.

    b. Click on the link in a purchase code redemption email.

    Note: If you are expecting an invite email or purchase code redemption email and have not received one, check your Spam folder.

    c. Log into Dispatcher Stratus , access the Tenant Management page, and configure an unconfigured tenant after a purchase code has been redeemed.

    Tenant role selection window

  2. Select the Tenant Admin role.

    Tenant role selection window

  1. Enter the information required in the Tenant Configuration window:

    • Tenant Name - A friendly name for your tenant.
    • Domain name - A unique URL for your tenant.
    • Region - The region in which to store tenant data.
    • Authentication Method - The method by which users will log in to your tenant. Options include:
      • MarketPlace - Log in using a Konica Minolta MarketPlace account.

      • Cognito - Log in using an Amazon Cognito user directory.

      • Entra ID - Log in using Microsoft Entra ID.

        Note: When selecting the Entra ID authentication method, you will need to provide the Metadata URL, which is provided by the Entra ID app. For more information, see the Finalizing Tenant Setup for Entra ID Authentication section below.

    Important! The region for data storage and the authentication method cannot be changed later.

  1. Select the checkbox to confirm your selection of Region and Authentication type.

    Confirm Selections

    Note: If you are accessing this window as a Tenant Manager & Admin, as tenant manager you must also specify the tenant group in which the tenant will reside. If you are not a member of any tenant groups, a popup window appears in which you must create a tenant group.

    Confirm Selections

Finalizing Tenant Setup for Entra ID Authentication

After completing tenant setup, you will need to finalize the authentication setup within Microsoft Entra ID before you can log in. Do the following:

  1. Navigate to Microsoft Azure. More information about Microsoft Azure can be found here.

  2. Click on “Microsoft Entra ID”, then “Enterprise applications” in the left-hand menu.

  3. Scroll down and click on your configured application.

  4. Click on “Single sign-on” in the left-hand menu.

    Note: On this page, you will find the previously mentioned Metadata URL, called “App Federation Metadata URL” in the SAML Certificates section, that you need to provide during tenant configuration.

  5. After you have completed the initial tenant configuration (Described above), you will receive an email regarding tenant setup from Dispatcher Stratus . Enter the “Identifier (Entity ID)”, “Reply URL (Assertion Consumer Service URL)”, and “Logout URL (Optional)” information provided in this email into those fields within Microsoft Azure.

    Note: If you are expecting an invite email or purchase code redemption email and have not received one, check your Spam folder.

  6. Ensure that you have valid information saved in the “emailaddress”, “givenname”, and “surname” fields in the Attributes & Claims section.

  7. At this point, Entra ID is a valid authentication method for your Dispatcher Stratus tenant. However, any additional users must be added on the “Entra ID > Users and groups” page before they can login to Dispatcher Stratus .

As a Tenant Manager

For more information about onboarding as a Tenant Manager, contact your Konica Minolta representative.

As a Tenant Manager & Admin

The Tenant Manager & Admin role combines the permissions of the Tenant Manager and Tenant Admin roles. To complete tenancy setup after selecting your role as Tenant Manager & Admin, contact your Konica Minolta representative for more information about completing onboarding as a tenant manager. Then, follow the steps outlined in the Tenant Admin section.