
6 minute read Last updated on July 12, 2024

Annotate Icon

Use this node to add an annotation to documents in a workflow. For example, you can:

  • Annotate documents with an identifying number or time stamp.

  • Specify font size and color for annotated text.

  • Restrict the annotations to specific pages in a document.

  • More.

To apply multiple annotations to a workflow, you must add an Annotation node for each. You can give each annotation a unique location on the page. While a single annotation can consist of multiple components such as time and date, components in an annotation cannot be individually placed on the page.

Supported file types include:

  • TIFF
  • JPG
  • GIF
  • PNG
  • BMP
  • PDF

Note: The Annotation node does not support AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) PDFs.

To add annotations to documents in a workflow, add an Annotation process node to the workflow and double-click on it.

Configuring the Annotation Node

Annotate Node

  • Enabled - To enable this node in the current workflow, check the box at this field. If you leave the box blank, the workflow ignores the node and documents pass through as if the node was not present. Note that a disabled node does not check for logic or error conditions.

  • Node Name - The node name defaults to this field. This name appears in the workflow below the node icon. Use this field to specify a meaningful name for the node that indicates its use in the workflow.

  • Node Description - Enter an optional description for this node. A description can help you remember the purpose of the node in the workflow or distinguish nodes from each other. If the description is long, you can hover the mouse over the field to read its entire contents.


  • Help - To access Online Help, click this button.
  • Cancel - To exit the window without saving any changes, click this button.
  • Save - To preserve your node configuration and exit the window, click this button.

For quick instructions on how to build annotation text, click on the top bar above the Annotation area. To hide the instructions, click on the bar again. See the following illustration:

Annotate Instructions

Annotation Naming Components Panel

Use this panel to drag one or more of the following components into the Annotation area. A preview of the annotation appears below the Annotation area.

  • Text - Enter any text string you want to include in the annotation. With this component, you can also use file-level dynamic variables. For example, to include the file’s entire file name in the annotation, enter {file:fullname}. Note that text will only wrap if spaces are present in the annotation.

  • Metadata - Use this component to create annotations based on document metadata. Double-click on the Metadata component and then select Select Metadata Key. The Metadata Browser window appears, displaying system-defined variables (Date, File, System, User). If you have added other nodes to the workflow, metadata from those nodes appears as well.

    In the Metadata Browser, you can do the following:

    • Expand the list by clicking on the + sign next to the metadata that you are interested in. For example, to view the in Input Folder metadata, click on the + sign next to Input Folder. See the following illustration:

      Metadata Browser

    • Collapse the list by clicking on the - sign next to the appropriate metadata.

    • Choose metadata to add to the annotation by selecting a metadata key and then the Select button. The Metadata Browser closes and you return to the Annotate window.

    • Specify a page-level and/or occurrence number for the metadata reference by clicking on the Custom check box, dragging-dropping the metadata in the empty field provided, and entering the correct syntax.

    • Search for metadata by entering a text string into the Search field.

  • Counter - Add a sequential counter. The maximum number of digits for a numeric counter is 18. Note that after you run the workflow for the first time, the counter will no longer be editable (in order to maintain count integrity). You have the following options:

    • Start Value - Specify the number at which to start the counter.
    • End Value - Specify a maximum value for the counter.
    • Increment By - Specify the number at which to increment the counter. The default is 1.
    • Leading Zeros - To include leading zeros, select the box.
  • Date - Include the date on which the workflow processed the document. Double-click to choose the date format.

  • Time - Include the time at which the workflow processed the document. Double-click to choose the time format.

  • Separator - Separate two components, for example with a dash. Double-click to view a list of available separators.

  • File Name - Include the original file name.

  • File Extension - Include the original file extension.

  • File Size - Include the file size.

  • Page Number, Image Width, Image Height - Includes one or more of these details about the file. Width and height display in pixels.

Annotation Area

Once you populate the Annotation area with components from the Annotation Naming Components Panel, you can:

  • Configure certain components by double-clicking on them.

  • Change the order of the components by dragging them to the desired position.

  • Delete a component by selecting the X.

The following panels provide additional configuration options:

  • Annotate panel - The following options are available:

    • Every page - Add the annotation to every page.

    • First Page - Add the annotation to the first page only.

    • Position - Specify the location at which to position the annotation text. Note that modifications made via the Margins panel affect the positioning you specify here.

  • Margins panel - The margins for annotation text are indicated in the Annotation Preview area by dotted lines. Margins are measured in inches. Enter a new value into any of the Top, Bottom, Left, and Right fields, and then press [Enter] or [Tab]. Changes reflect immediately in the Annotation Preview area.

  • Font panel - Specify the font, size, style, and color of the annotated text.

  • Dither panel - Select this box to improve clarity when text is opaque or colored on a black & white image.

Annotation Preview

This area provides a preview of your annotation and its placement on the page as soon as you add a component to the Annotation area. A sample document is provided for context. To upload your own sample file, select the Click here to upload a sample file to see the annotation preview link on the bottom of the Annotation Preview area and browse to your file in the window that appears.


  • The preview may not precisely match the actual results. To view the true result, run the workflow.

  • PDF files cannot be used as sample documents.

Image Resolution

Dispatcher Stratus attempts to read the resolution of your sample image and scale the annotation font size accordingly. If the resolution cannot be read, a resolution of 96 dpi is assumed for the sample displayed.

Image Color

Dispatcher Stratus maintains the original color palette and image format.

Note: For grayscale or black and white images, any colored text in the annotation color will be converted to black and white. This can result in the annotation not being visible on the processed document. For example, light colored text would render as white and, thus not visible on a white page.

Saving Your Annotation

Preview your annotation text in the area below the Annotation area. Use the Annotation Preview area to confirm the location and appearance of the text on the document. When ready, select Save to preserve your annotation definition.

Note: Once you save the annotation, it can be used by other nodes in the workflow. Use the following syntax:
