People Queue - Edit and Approve
Use this node in workflows in which a job requires approval from one or more team members. The collection node in the workflow creates a job, and this node sends the job to a selected job queue, where members of the queue can claim the job and then view and/or edit documents and/or metadata from the workflow.
For example, assume a default group member has a batch of documents that require review as soon as possible. The user can insert a People Queue - Edit and Approve into a workflow to make the documents available to a group of team members (the job queue), with the request that they be reviewed by the first available team member.
See Also:
Configuring the Node
To configure the node, drag it from the Node Palettes panel onto the canvas and double-click on it. The node’s configuration window appears, displaying the following options:
Enabled - To enable this node in the current workflow, ensure the Enabled toggle is to the right. By default, nodes are enabled upon creation. If you disable the node, the workflow will ignore it. While the workflow will still validate, jobs and documents will pass along all Normal and User-Selectable connections configured from this node. Error and Negative connections will be ignored.
Node Name - The node name defaults to this field. This name appears in the workflow below the node icon. Use this field to specify a meaningful name for the node that indicates its use in the workflow.
Node Description - Enter an optional description for this node. A description can help you remember the purpose of the node in the workflow or distinguish nodes from each other. If the description is long, you can hover the mouse over the field to read its entire contents.
- Help - To access Online Help, click this button.
- Cancel - To exit the window without saving any changes, click this button.
- Save - To preserve your node configuration and exit the window, click this button.
Display Options
Select the content you want to display for reviewers accessing the job. The content appears on the Job page’s Attachments tab. You have the following options:
File only - Display only the file attachments from the job.
Metadata only - Display only the form containing the metadata captured from the file attachment.
File and metadata - Both the file attachment and the metadata form display on the Jobs page.
Read Only - If you select “Metadata Only” or “File and metadata”, this field activates. To restrict the selected content to read-only status when it appears on the job’s Attachment tab, select the box. Otherwise, leave the box blank. If you select “File only”, this box disables.
Node Input Properties
To select a job queue to review the job, do the following:
Send to Group - Select the field, then choose a group. The menu displays all user groups of which you are a member.
Send to Queue - Select the field, then choose a queue. The menu displays all job queues associated with the selected user group.
Activity Reminder
In the “If No Activity” section, you can set reminders for the user assigned to jobs from this node. After a specified amount of time, the owner of the job will recieve an inbox notification and an email reminding them of their task. To configure the activity reminder, do the following:
Select the + button to add a rule.
Select the Time and Time Frame for the notification.
- For example, if you would like the user to be notified after 24 hours of inactivity, you could select:
- “24” in the Time field and “Hours” in the Time Frame field.
- “1” in the Time field and “Days” in the Time Frame field.
- Select whether the notification applies to Claimed or Unclaimed jobs. For Unclaimed jobs, the User Group’s Default Member will recieve the notification.
- For Claimed jobs, you will need to select one of the following options:
- Notify Owner - The user who claimed the job will receive a notification.
- Return to Queue - The job will become unclaimed and be returned to the queue, where it can be claimed normally. No notification is sent.
- You can configure as many reminders as you would like by selecting the + button multiple times.
- If there is at least one rule configured and a user interacts with a job, the timer will be reset for any pending reminders. However, any previously-sent reminders will not be reset.
- For example, say a job has reminders set for 1, 2, 3, and 4 days. A user interacts with the job on the 3rd day (reminders 1 and 2 have been sent out already). The user will not get a reminder after 1 or 2 days of inactivity, but will receive one after 3 additional days of inactivity (and then the 4th day of inactivity).
- If a user group’s Default Member’s jobs are configured to be sent to another user via Out of Office or temporary transfer and a People Queue node is configured to notify Unclaimed (which notifies the User Group’s Default Member), The Default Member and the user selected in the transfer settings will both receive an email and an Inbox message.
To delete a reminder, select the trash can icon.
Accessing and Reviewing the Job
Once you save the node and verify the workflow, you can run the workflow. When the workflow processes the People Queue - Edit and Approve node, the Job Queue page updates for users belonging to the selected job queue. The job now appears in their job queue.
Selecting the job from the job queue list opens the Job page, on which the job displays. The job includes an Approval tab. This tab displays the items to review (that is, the items specified in the Display Options area of the People Queue - Edit and Approve node, in the workflow that generated the job).
If the user has not already claimed the job, the Claim button appears:
Once the user selects Claim, the button is replaced by the Deny and Approve buttons:
The user can then review the content on the tab, approve or deny it, and move the job to the next step in the workflow.
Sample Workflow
The following illustration shows a sample workflow containing the People Queue - Edit and Approve node. The workflow:
Collects documents and creates a job.
Collects selected metadata from the documents.
Places a notification in a selected user’s inbox, requesting they assign the job (to review the documents collected by the workflow) to a job queue.
Adds the job to the selected job queue, enabling a member of the queue to claim the job and review the documents.
Sends the reviewed documents to a selected email account.
The nodes perform the following functions in the workflow:
- Dropbox In - Collects documents from a selected Dropbox folder.
- Form Selector - Adds a form to the workflow. The form defines the metadata you want to collect from the documents.
- People User - Defines the tenant member who will receive a notification in their inbox,requesting they assign a tenant member to review the documents.
- People Queue- Edit and Approve - Defines the job queue that receives the job. A member of the job queue can then claim the job and review and approve/deny the documents and/or metadata.
- Email Out - Defines the tenant member who will receive the results of the review.