
3 minute read Last updated on August 15, 2024

The Admin Dashboard provides a variety of tenant information at a glance, including user, device, and workflow activity. Privileged tenant members, as well as tenant admins, can access their tenant’s Admin Dashboard by selecting Dashboard from the Navigation pane.

Admin Dashboard


  • The Dashboard becomes accessible only after the primary tenant admin accepts their admin invitation. No data is generated for the tenant until this occurs.

  • Tenant managers can access the Manager Dashboard, via which they can access data from any combination of tenants that they manage.

Information Displayed

The dashboard displays data from the selected date range, which appears on the right end of the Dashboard header. To change the date range, select the Date Range dropdown menu and choose a date range from the menu that appears. The dashboard updates to reflect any change in the data set.

Admin Dashboard - Date

Below the Dashboard, tiles display the following information for the tenant:

  • Total Users
  • Total Input Files and Forms
  • Avg # of Device Input Files and Forms per User
  • Total Pages Scanned
  • Avg # of Device (MFP) Pages per User

Note: If no tenant activity occurred for the selected date range, no data appears.

High Achievers

The following panels show information about the highest achieving users in the tenant, including:

  • Highest Volume Device (MFP) Users - The top three tenant members, based on total pages scanned at the MFP.
  • Most Active Device (MFP) Users - The top three most active tenant members, based on the total number of scans at the MFP.

High achievers

Graphical Data

The following graphs provide additional information on tenant activity. Bar graphs display up to ten bars at a time. Hovering your pointer over a graph displays information about that area of the graph.

  • Input Files and Forms by Device - Ranks your devices by the number of documents scanned.

  • Device Input Files and Forms by Workflow - Ranks your workflows by the number of documents processed.

  • Files Scanned at Device (MFP) by User - Ranks your users by the number of documents scanned at the device.

  • Pages Scanned at Device (MFP) by User - Ranks your users by the number of pages scanned at the device.


  • Collection Activity - Displays the number of documents scanned during each day of the selected time period.

    Collection Activity

Manager Dashboard

The Manager Dashboard is similar to the Admin Dashboard, with the following exceptions:

  • Manager Dashboard is accessible only by tenant managers.

  • Manager Dashboard includes the Filter bar. This bar includes:

    • Tenant selector - Includes the following:

      • Viewing: - This field lists the tenants and tenant groups currently selected for inclusion in the dashboard data, including one level of subgroups for each tenant group selected. Subgroups having their own subgroups are indicated by a “…” suffix.

      • Filter - This field accesses the Filter Tenants window, in which managers can select one or more tenants and tenant groups to include in the dashboard data. Selecting no tenants and tenant groups includes all data in all managed tenants.

  • Manager Dashboard displays some information by tenant instead of by user, as the Admin Dashboard does.

Manager Dashboard - Tenant Selector

Filtering Tenants

If you select the Filter icon, the Filter Tenants window appears listing a hierarchy of all the tenants you manage. Select the tenants you want to include in your dashboard data, and then select Filter.

Filter Tenants window