Device Management

10 minute read Last updated on September 23, 2024

The Dispatcher Stratus portal allows an administrator to manage their fleet of multifunction peripherals (MFPs) and non-MFP inputs with ease. Administrators can add, modify, and remove devices from their Dispatcher Stratus tenant. This can be done individually or in device groups. Once devices have been imported, they are displayed on the Device Management home screen.

Devices are divided into two categories:

  • MFP - Any of a wide selection of multifunction peripherals, often including print, scan, fax, and internet connection. Device licenses for MFPs are consumed whenever an MFP is registered with Dispatcher Stratus. MFP device licenses can be consumed by any MFP added by any user with the correct permissions.
  • Non-MFP - Any of a wide selection of input methods that are not multifunction peripherals, including third-party content management services (CMSs), External Forms, etc. Device licenses are consumed whenever a unique instance of the non-MFP device is recognized. For more information on non-MFP device licenses, see the section below. Non-MFP licenses can only be allocated to users, where they are consumed during workflow creation.

Individual Devices

Each MFP has its own set of installed applications, which can be modified at the MFP or through the Konica Minolta MarketPlace. Each device must be added to your tenancy before it will appear on the Device Management home screen. This can be accomplished individually or in groups.

Add Devices

The Dispatcher Stratus Administrator can add new devices to the Dispatcher Stratus installation. To add a new device or devices, do the following:

  1. On the Navigation pane, select Devices. The Device Management page appears:

    Device Management

  2. Select Add Devices. The Add Devices menu appears with the following options:

Note: Devices added to a tenant are visible to and usable by any Tenant Admins, Tenant Super Admins, and any users with the appropriate custom role permissions.

Import from MarketPlace

On the Add Devices menu, select Import from MarketPlace. the Import Devices window appears. Do the following:

  1. In the Available Devices panel, select the devices to import:

    Import Devices Window

  2. Select the Right Arrow. The selected devices move to the Selected Devices panel, and the Import button activates:

    Import Devices

  3. To import the selected devices, select Import. To abandon the import, select X.


  • To remove devices from the Selected Devices panel, select them and then select the Left Arrow. The devices return to the Available Devices panel.

  • To search for devices in a panel, select the Magnifying Glass, then enter a search string in the Search field that appears.

Add Single Device

After selecting the Add Single Device option, the Import Devices window appears.

Add Single Device Window

  1. Select a Device Type from the drop-down menu. This may populate additional required fields.

  2. Enter any information needed in the Required section. For example, multifunction peripheral (MFP) devices require:

    • Serial Number

    • Admin Password

    Note: Dispatcher Stratus will not allow devices to be added with the default password. The default password will need to be updated before they can be added to your tenant.

  3. Enter any additional information you would like:

    • Device Name - A friendly name for the device

    • Location - The physical location for the device, such as “HR Department”

    • Group - Devices can be added to a Device Group immediately

  4. Select the Add button.


    • Device information cannot be edited later on.

    • After adding a device, it may take some time to sync with MarketPlace. The sync setting is controlled in the MarketPlace app and defaults to 60 minutes from the previous sync. To force an MFP to sync with MarketPlace, you can log into the MarketPlace App Manager at the MFP, tap the Setting button, tap the Device tab, and tap the “Sync Now” button.

Assign Licenses

To allow your workflows to collect documents from a non-MFP device, do the following:

  1. Select the Assign Licenses option from the drop-down menu. This will open a new window.

    Assign Non-MFP Device Window

  2. Enter the number of licenses you would like to assign to an individual user.

  3. Using the drop-down menu, select the user who will be using these licenses.

  4. Select the Assign button. The selected user will now have that number of licenses assigned to them.

    Non-MFP Devices

Using a Non-MFP Device License

After a user has non-MFP licenses assigned to them, those licenses are then used whenever a user saves a Collection Node that Dispatcher Stratus recognizes as consuming a license.

For non-MFP inputs such as Dropbox In or Microsoft Exchange In, Dispatcher Stratus will use a license whenever it recognizes a unique combination of the following:

  • Logged-in user
  • Node Type
  • Account
  • Folder Type

For External Form and Internal Form nodes, Dispatcher Stratus will use a license whenever it recognizes a unique form URL (created during node configuration).


If a user has a device license configured for a Dropbox In folder called “Applications” and creates a second workflow configured for the same folder, that will only use one device license.

If that same user has two Dropbox In nodes in a workflow, each configured with a different folder, that workflow will use two licenses.

Note: The Blue icon indicates that at least one of the assigned licenses has been used. The empty icon indicates that the user has not used any of their assigned licenses.

Transfer Non-MFP Devices

After non-MFP licenses have been assigned to a user, they can transfer them to another user. Do the following:

  1. Click the Transfer arrow in the Actions column. This will open the Transfer Licenses window.

    Transfer Non-MFP Devices Window

  2. Enter the number of licenses you would like to transfer.

  3. Select the user you would like to receive the licenses. Note that licenses can only be transferred to other members of User Groups of which you are a member.

  4. Click the Transfer button.


  • To transfer non-MFP device licenses, you will need at least “View” permissions for Licenses.
  • To receive non-MFP device licenses, you will need at least “Create” and/or “Edit” permissions for Workflows.

Reclaiming a Used Non-MFP License

If you have used a non-MFP device license and would like to use it for a different input, you can reclaim the used license in two ways:

  • Delete the workflow(s) using the license.

  • Delete the input node(s) using the license and save the workflow. Note that the license will not be available until the workflow is saved.

Device Table

Devices are displayed in tables, along with information about each device, including:

  • ID - The device’s unique ID number.
  • Name - The friendly name of the device. This can be entered when you add the device or edited in MarketPlace, but cannot be changed in the tenant.
  • Location - The physical location of the device (e.g. Human Resources - Floor 2). This can be entered when you add the device or edited in MarketPlace, but cannot be changed in the tenant.
  • App Installed - Whether the Dispatcher Stratus App is installed on the device. If you have recently installed the app, it can take up to an hour to update within your tenant. Alternatively, you can force the update by going to the MFP > App Manager > MarketPlace App > Sync Now.
  • IP Address - The IP address of the device.
  • Description - A friendly description of the device. This is editable within your tenant.
  • Actions
    • Register/Unregister Device - Assign a license to this device or return a license to your pool of licenses.
    • Delete Device - Remove the device from your tenant. It can be added again at a later date.

Non-MFP Devices

Non-MFP devices are displayed in their own table, with the following information:

  • Assigned To - The user the licenses are assigned to. These users can use their allotted licenses in workflows.
  • Number of Licenses - The number of licenses assigned to a particular user.
  • Actions
    • Licenses Used/Licenses Unused - This displays whether the user has used all their assigned licenses or if they have additional licenses available.
    • Transfer - Clicking this button allows you to transfer any licenses that have been assigned to you to another user. For more information, see the Transfer Non-MFP-Licenses section above.

Additional information can be viewed by clicking on the arrow on the left-hand side of a row:

  • Node - The node that is using one or more licenses.
  • Workflow - The name of the workflow that is using one or more licenses. A workflow that is not shared will appear in the table with “Not Shared” as the workflow name.
  • Licenses in Use (#) - The number of licenses being used by that workflow.

For more information on how non-MFP device licenses are used, see the Assign Non-MFP Licenses section above.

Edit Devices

You can edit the description of a device to make device management easier. To edit a device description, do the following:

  1. Click in the Description field on the right side of the device entry.

    Edit Device Group Window

  2. When you are finished, clicking outside of the field will save the entry.

    Note: The Description is limited to 100 characters. Long descriptions without spaces will be truncated on the home page.

Register/Unregister Devices

After adding devices to your Dispatcher Stratus tenant, you can distribute your device licenses to those devices, as needed. To register a device, do the following:

  1. Select the Medal icon in the Actions column. The Register License to Device window appears.

  2. To register the device, select Yes. Otherwise, select No.

Medal Icon

The medal icon displays in the Actions column. Its color indicates the license registration status of the device:

  • Green - The device is registered and is available for use with workflows.

  • Purple - The device is not registered, but a license is available on which to register the device.

  • Gray - No licenses are available on which to register the device. For more information about modifying your license and how it will affect your available licenses, see the Settings page.

Remove Devices

To remove a device, do the following:

  1. Select the Trash Can icon in the Actions column. The Remove Device window appears:

    Remove Device Window

  2. To remove the device, select Yes. Otherwise, select No.

Note: Devices that have been removed from your tenant can be re-imported from MarketPlace.

Device Groups

You can create device groups, in which you organize and manage your devices. Device groups can contain any number of devices, and single devices can be part of multiple groups.

Create a Device Group

Tenant admins can create device groups for easy viewing and categorization. To create a new device group, do the following:

  1. Click on the Create Group button at the top of the Device Management home page.

  2. Enter a name for the Device Group, then click Create.

    Create Device Group Name

Edit a Device Group

Device Groups can be edited in several different ways.

Sort Devices Within a Group

Administrators can adjust the view of their Device Groups in several ways. The default organization is alphabetically by Device Name. To change the order, do the following:

  1. Click the arrow next to the column you would like to sort by.

    Sort Devices

    Note: Columns are automatically sorted alphanumerically.

  2. To sort in reverse alphanumeric order, click the arrow again.

Edit the Device Group Name

To edit the Device Group Name, do the following:

  1. Click in the Device Group Name area.

    Edit Device Group Name

  2. Type the new Device Group Name.

  3. Click anywhere else on the screen. The name will be saved automatically.

Move a Device to Device Group

To move a device from one Device Group to another, do the following:

  1. Click on the checkbox on the left side of the Device entry. This will open a menu on the right side.

    Move a Device to a Device Group

    Note: You can select multiple Devices to move at the same time.

  2. Click on the Move to Device Group action and select the Device Group you would like to move the selected devices to.

    Move a Device to a Device Group

  3. Click the Move button.

Remove a Device from a Device Group

To remove a device from a Device Group, do the following:

  1. Click on the checkbox on the left side of the Device entry. This will open a menu on the right side.

    Remove Device from Device Group

  2. Click on the Remove Device from Dispatcher Stratus action.

    Remove Device from Device Group

  3. Click Yes to remove the device.

Delete a Device Group

To delete a Device Group, do the following:

  1. In the top menu bar of the group you wish to delete, click the Delete Group button next to the Group Name.

    Delete Device Group

  2. This will open a small window asking you to confirm your action. To continue deleting the group, click the Delete button.

    Confirm Delete Device Group

    Note: Devices in the deleted group will be moved to All Devices (Not Grouped).