Job Queue

6 minute read Last updated on September 10, 2024

The Job Queue page displays information about the Job Queues you are a member of. The queue that is displayed is indicated by a green checkmark Job Queue Displayed in the header. Job Queues differ from Jobs in that they do not automatically have an assigned owner; they can be claimed by anyone with access to the queue. Examples of common Job Queue uses include:

  • Job applications - Applications can be reviewed by any member of the HR team
  • Contest submissions - Users submit entries to a contest, where the submissions wait until the end date. Then, queue users can compare all submissions at once.
  • Help tickets - All help tickets are sent to a central queue, where individual members of the IT team can claim tickets they are most comfortable handling.
  • Backlog items - Issues are added to a queue for developers to handle as they have time between other assignments.

Note: Job Queues are displayed alphabetically; the alphabetically first Job Queue will always be displayed when you navigate to the page, even if you selected a different queue earlier in the same session.

Job Queue

After navigating to the page, you will see a table with the following information:

  • Type - This column describes what kind of item it is. This column displays a lock icon Lock Icon when a job has been claimed by another user.
    • Document - Related to workflows and usually includes an action that needs to be taken.
  • Job Name - A short description of the item. Job names contain the following elements: Document Name | Date Received | Time Received
  • Claimed By - The name of the user who has signaled that they will take the next action for this job.
  • Workflow Name - The name of the workflow that generated the item.
  • Last Modified - The last time a user made an update to the job, based on your selected time zone (See Settings).
  • Actions - The actions available to you.
    • Claim - Claim the job as your own.
    • Unclaim - Unlock the job so anyone with access to the queue can claim it for themselves.

You can search through the available jobs using the Search field in the upper-right corner. The Search function includes every column provided when searching.

After clicking on a job queue item, the jobs will open, providing you with additional information.


The Job area contains a summary of the job, including:

  • Workflow - The name of the workflow that generated the job.
  • Received - The time the job was received.
  • Number of Files - The total number of files associated with the job.
  • Recent Notes - The most recent notes left on the job.
  • Recent History - The most recent changes in the job’s history.


The History tab shows all of the log information associated with the job since it was created. This information is displayed in a table:

  • Date - The date and time the status of the job changed.
  • Source - The source of the data. Typically this will either be “System” or a user’s name.
  • Event - A short description of how the job’s status changed.


The Notes tab shows a history of all of the notes that have been added to a job. The notes are displayed in a table:

  • Date - The date and time the note was added.
  • Note - The text associated with the note.
  • Author - The user who wrote the note.

If any notes are marked as Private, a Lock icon (Private) will display on the left side of the note.

Add a New Note

To add a new note, do the following:

  1. Click the Add Note button in the middle of the Job area.
  2. Enter the note text.
  3. If you would like the note to be private (only visible to you), click the Private button.
  4. Click the Save Note button.

Note: While notes cannot include attachments, files can be added to a job on the Attachments tab, described below.


The Attachments tab includes all the files attached to the job. This information is displayed in a table:

  • Add Attachment - This button allows the user to manually attach a document to the job.

  • File Name - The name of the attached file.

  • File Size - The size of the attached file.

  • Uploaded By - The name of the user who attached the file.

  • Date - The date and time the attachment was saved with the job.

  • Actions - The available actions for the attachment.

    • Download - Save a local copy of the attached file.
    • Delete - Delete the attached file.
  • Preview - An image of the document.

    Note: The preview function is restricted to:

    • PDF, PNG, JPG, and SVG file types.
    • 25 MB.


The Forms tab includes information about any forms attached to the job. This information is displayed in a table:

  • Form Name - The name of the form that captured the information.
  • Submitted by - The name of the user who submitted the form.
  • Date - The date and time the form was saved with the job.

Note: When using Anonymous Authentication for the External Form or Internal Form, the “Submitted By” column will display “Unknown user.” To add a user, the workflow should be configured with an Assign Owner node before the People Node.

Claiming a Job

Jobs in a job queue are available for anyone with access to the queue to claim. To claim a job, do one of the following:

  1. Navigate to the Job Queue page.
  2. Select the Claim icon on the far right-hand side of the job.


  1. Navigate to the Job Queue page.
  2. Select a job in a queue. This will open the job and display more detailed information.
  3. In the upper-right hand corner, select the Claim button.

Once a job has been claimed, it cannot be modified by any other user and is treated like any other assigned job.

Completing a Job

After a job has been claimed, you can access it, view any of the listed information, and take any necessary actions, such as approving the job. To complete a job, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the Job Queue or Jobs page.
  2. Select the job you would like to complete.
  3. After confirming the job, select the Action button in the upper-right corner of the Job.
  4. A drop-down list will appear of all the available actions you can take. Select the next step in the workflow you would like the job to progress to. Note that options will only appear if the connection between the current People node and the next node is a User Selectable connection.
  5. Select the Done button to send the job to the next step. You will be returned to the Job or Job Queue page, based on where you accessed the job from. You will no longer see the job in your Jobs or Job Queue (unless you are also assigned in the next People Node in the workflow), though the job will still appear in your Tracker, if you have previously added it there.