User Management

19 minute read Last updated on October 16, 2024

The User Management page provides powerful user management features that enable you to manage your tenant members and control their access to the various portal pages and their functions. This page lists all members of the tenant (including pending members), organized by member groups, and provides the tools you need to delegate portal access where it is needed, and block access where it is not.

The following illustration shows the User Management page for the Citrus Craze tenant, displaying the Default User Group, several custom user group tables, and the members they contain:

User Management page

Access to this page is restricted to tenant admins and other privileged users . Thus, tenant members cannot modify roles and permissions, including their own, without proper access.

Managing Tenant Members

Managing a tenant’s members involves the following general tasks:

  1. Inviting people to join the tenant.

  2. Creating user groups in which to organize your tenant members, for example, a group of members who need access to the same workflows.

  3. Assigning roles to users that provide the access they need to perform their jobs and block them from other areas of the portal.

  4. Managing the tenant membership thereafter, including reassigning tenant member roles as necessary.

All tenant members must belong to at least one tenant group and be assigned at least one access role. Each member’s initial role is assigned as part of their invitation to the tenant. Thereafter, all user management is performed on the User Management page.

The following illustration identifies many of the elements on this page:

User Management page elements

Users and User Groups

The User Management page lists all members of the tenant, organized into user groups (also called member groups). A tenant must always contain at least one member and at least one user group to contain that member. Dispatcher Stratus provides the Default user group, to which the first tenant member is initially assigned. Thereafter, tenant admins can invite new members and create custom user groups in which to organize the tenancy.

User groups can help to track your tenant members and control their access to the portal. For example, you can create groups to organize your tenancy by any of the following:

  • Department

  • Workflows needed for daily tasks

  • Security or seniority level

User Group Tables

Each member group displays as a table on the User Management page. Initially, your tenant includes only a default group. Once you create your own member groups, their tables will appear on the page and you can assign members to those groups.

Each member group table contains the following columns of information:

  • Last name and first name - The names associated with the member’s tenant account. These names do not appear for pending members until they accept their invitation.

  • Email address - The email address associated with the member’s tenant account.

  • Role - The member’s role. All members must have at least one role.

    • To change a role or assign another role, select the drop-down menu, then select one or more roles from the User Roles window.

    • For pending members, their roles are also pending their acceptance of the invitation. A tenant admin assigns a role as part of the invitation, but privileged members can change that role or assign other roles to the pending member.

    • If you edit a member’s role assignment, the most recent selection displays in the column.

Selection Boxes

The Selection boxes on the left side of the table access the following actions. To select all members in a table, select the box on the Table header bar. If you select multiple members, only the actions available to all selected members are active, as shown below:

Selection boxes

  • Assign Users to Groups - Accesses the Assign Users to Groups window, where you can select the groups you want to assign to the selected users.

  • Remove Users from Dispatcher Stratus - Accesses the Remove User window, where you can remove the selected users from the tenant.

Note: The dash in the selection box on the column header row indicates only a portion of the group’s members are currently selected.

Actions Column

In addition to columns of information for group members, the Actions column displays icons for the actions available for each group member. Not all actions are available to all members, depending on their licenses, roles, and permissions within the tenant. The following action icons are available:

Action icons

  • Medal - Register/unregister a license from this user.

  • Share - Displays the Shared Workflows window where you can view a list of workflows that have been shared with a user. If you have the correct permission, you can modify the list of shared workflows. If no workflows have been shared with the user, this icon does not appear.

  • Trash - Remove a User from the tenant. A Clock icon appearing instead of the Trash icon indicates the user has been scheduled for removal.

  • Ellipsis - Displays a menu with the following additional actions:

    Ellipsis icon

Note: For pending members, envelope icons appear in the Actions column: Envelope icons

Modifying the Display of a Member Group Table

Member Group tables have the following display options:

  • Sort column - Select the column header. The downward-facing chevron sorts in ascending order. The upward-facing chevron sorts in descending order.

  • Collapse/Expand table - Each table includes a collapse/expand option on the right end of the Table header bar.

  • Scroll bar - Tables with many members have a scroll bar providing access to all members in the table.

Inviting People to Join Your Tenant

Privileged users can send an email invitation to any valid email address. The email contains a link to Dispatcher Stratus , where the invitee can accept or reject the invitation.

Note: If “MarketPlace” is the authentication method for your tenant, then joining a tenant requires a MarketPlace account. Invitees with no MarketPlace account are directed to a page where they can create one, after which the process continues.

When creating an invitation, you specify a user group and an initial role for the invitee. Upon sending the invitation, the invitee is assigned to the specified user group with a status of Pending. Once the invitation is accepted, the status changes to Active, and the new member assumes their initial role. Privileged users can then modify the member’s role, and/or assign them to a custom member group (if any exist in your tenant).

To invite a new member, do the following:

  1. Select Invite Users. The Invite Users window appears:

    Invite Users Modal

  2. Enter a valid email address, then select +. The address appears in the Recipient table below, and the Send Invite button activates.

  3. To send additional email invitations, repeat step 2. You can also add multiple email addresses to the field by separating them with a space or comma.

    Enter Dispatcher Stratus tenant email addresses

  4. Select a user group and role for each user. A number in the column indicates multiple selections for the user.

    Select Permissions

    Note: Tenant invitations can only grant permissions at the same level or lower than the permissions held by the user sending the invite. For example, a tenant admin cannot invite a super admin; only a super admin can invite another super admin.

  5. When done, select Send Invite. You return to the User Management page, where the group’s tables will update to display the new, pending tenant members.

    Note: You can adjust the roles associated with an invitation while it is still pending. Access the User Roles window for the pending member. You can also cancel a pending invitation. Select the Cancel Invite icon for the pending member.

The following illustration shows a sample of an email invitation:

Email Invite

Accepted Invitations

After accepting an invitation, the new member can sign in to the tenant. You can view them and their assigned role on the User Management page.

Resending Invitations

To resend a user invitation, for example, if it is deleted or lost, do the following:

  1. In the Actions column, select the Resend Invite icon associated with the pending member. The Resend Invite window appears.

  2. To resend the invitation, select Yes. Otherwise, select No.

Canceling Invitations

To cancel a user invitation that has not yet been accepted, do the following:

  1. In the Actions column, select the Cancel Invite icon associated with the pending member. The Cancel Invite window appears.

  2. To cancel the invitation, select Yes. The pending member remains, but the invitation no longer grants access to the tenant. You can send another invitation, or remove the pending member from the tenant by selecting their associated box and selecting Remove User from the menu that appears.

Licensing Users

Tenant members must be licensed within the tenant to perform certain Dispatcher Stratus functions. Privileged users can access the User Management page to view the number of licenses available in a tenant and assign/unassign licenses for members in the tenant. Assigning a license reduces the quantity available, while unassigning a license increases the quantity available.

The Page header bar lists the licensing count in the tenant:

License count on the Page header bar

For tenant members, the Medal icon in the Actions column indicates the user’s current licensing status:

Icon Status
folder User unlicensed

User licensed, and is the default member of one or more user groups

User licensed

To change a user’s licensing status in the tenant, do the following:

  1. Select the Medal icon in the Actions column for the user you want to modify:

    • For unlicensed users, the Register License to User window appears. If a license is available in the tenant, you can assign it to the user.

    • For licensed users, the Unregister License from User window appears, providing details on the effects of removing a license from a user:

      Unregister License from User window

Shared Workflows

The Actions column displays the Shared icon for any users to which one or more workflows have been shared:

Shared Workflows icon a user

If you select this icon for a user, the Shared Workflows window appears, listing the workflows currently shared with the user, and the user’s edit capabilities for each:

Shared Workflows window

You have the following options:

  • To unshare a workflow shared to the user, select the associated X button.

  • To unshare multiple workflows shared to the user, select the associated boxes and select Stop Sharing from the panel that appears. To cancel the operation, de-select the boxes or select Clear All from the panel.

  • To change the user’s edit access to a workflow, select the associated dropdown in the column to the right and select a permission from the list that appears. Note that this permission can also be modified via the Workflow Sharing window, accessed via the Workflow Management page.

  • Once you modify any of the current settings, the Save button activates. To preserve your changes, select Save. Otherwise, select X.

Removing Users

Privileged tenant members can remove any member from the tenant except the following:

  • The last super admin in the tenant. All tenants must have at least one super admin.
  • The logged in user, who can only be removed by another logged in user.


  • If you remove a tenant member who has ownerships within the tenant, this process will require you to specify a tenant member to transfer the ownerships to.

  • If you attempt to remove a user who is the owner of one or more workflows that have not been shared with any other tenant members, a warning message appears in the Remove User window indicating that workflows will no longer have an owner and thus be inaccessible.

To remove a user from the tenant, do the following:

  1. In the Actions column, select the Remove User icon ( Transfer Ownership icon ) associated with the tenant member. The Remove User window appears:

    Remove User window

  2. Specify when to execute the removal. You have the following options:

    • Immediate - Transfer the user’s ownerships and remove the user from the tenant immediately. This action cannot be canceled or undone.

    • Schedule - Schedule the date and hour at which to transfer the user’s ownerships and remove the user from the tenant. You can cancel this action at any time prior to the scheduled date.

  3. Select a tenant member to assume the user’s ownerships (if any) within the tenant. At the time of removal, all future activity associated with those ownerships will be redirected to the recipient you select at the Transfer To field.


  • Once a removal executes, it cannot be canceled or undone.

  • For users scheduled for removal, a Clock icon appears for the user in the Actions column on the Users page.

Canceling a Scheduled Removal

You can cancel a scheduled removal at any time prior to the scheduled start date and hour. Do the following:

  • On the Users page, select the Clock icon associated with the user. The Remove User window appears.

  • Select Cancel Transfer. The transfer is canceled, and the Clock icon is removed from the Users page.

Transferring Ownerships

Privileged users can transfer a tenant member’s ownerships within the tenant to another tenant member, for example, if the member is leaving the tenant or taking a leave of absence from your organization. This process transfers all of the member’s ownerships, and all of their items within their ownerships.

To transfer a member’s ownership, do the following:

  1. On the Users page, select the Transfer Ownership icon ( Transfer Ownership icon ) associated with the member whose ownerships you want to transfer. The Transfer Ownership window appears:

    Transfer Ownership window

  2. Select the type of transfer. You have the following options:

    • One-Time - Transfer the user’s ownerships at a specified date and hour. In addition to the ownerships, all future activity associated with those ownerships will be redirected to the recipient you select at the Transfer To field.

    • Duration - Transfer the user’s ownerships and, for the specified duration, redirect all activity associated with those ownerships to the recipient you select at the Transfer To field.

      Important! - When the duration ends, all ownerships except jobs revert back to the original owner. Transferred jobs remain with the recipient of the transfer.

      • Disable user login during this time - To prevent the user from logging in to the tenant during this period, select this option.
  3. Select a tenant member to receive the transferred ownerships. If the recipient does not belong to all of the user’s groups, a message appears stating that the recipient will be added to all of the user’s group, ensuring that the recipient will be able to assign jobs to those groups.

About Transferring Ownerships

  • Transferring ownerships affects many elements of Dispatcher Stratus such that frequent reassignments can disrupt the continuity of tasks. We recommend you use this feature with care.

  • Once a one-time transfer executes, it cannot be canceled or undone. To regain ownership, a tenant member must assign it back to the user.

  • For a pending (scheduled) transfer of ownerships, a Clock icon appears for the user in the Actions column on the Users page.

  • Roles do not transfer as part of this process. If a transfer recipient does not have access to an ownership, they must be granted access to it.

Canceling a Scheduled Transfer

You can cancel a scheduled transfer:

  • One-Time transfer - Cancel any time prior to the scheduled start date and hour.

  • Duration transfer - Cancel any time prior to the scheduled end date and hour.

To cancel a scheduled transfer, do the following:

  • On the Users page, select the Clock icon associated with the user. The Transfer Ownership window appears.

  • Select Cancel Transfer. The transfer is canceled, and the Clock icon is removed from the Users page.

Tenant Ownerships

Many user-defined elements in Dispatcher Stratus tenants require a member to be designated as the owner. The system usually assigns initial ownership to the creator of the element. Privileged users can then reassign the ownership to another tenant member. Types of ownerships within a tenant include the following:

  • Jobs
  • Workflows
  • Forms
  • User groups
  • Default group memberships
  • Non-MFP Device licenses - Any transferred non-MFP device licenses will be added to the recipient’s current license count.
  • People licenses - If a transfer recipient is already licensed, the People license will be released for use by another tenant member.
  • Device licenses
  • Node config

Note: The Transfer Ownership process transfers all of a tenant member’s ownerships to another tenant member. Ownerships can also be transferred individually. For example, privileged users can use the Change Owner option on the Workflow Management page to change a workflow’s owner.

Transferred Items

During a transfer of ownership, the following items are transferred:

  • User group assignments

  • Workflow access

  • Jobs

  • Job queue assignment (one-time transfers only)

  • Workflow ownership (one-time transfers only)

  • Default user group assignment (one-time transfers only)

  • Assigned user in People Node config (one-time transfers only)

  • People licenses (one-time transfers only)

  • Non-MFP device licenses (one-time transfers only)

Blocking and Unblocking Users

You can temporarily deactivate a tenant member’s account without losing any of their associated data such as workflows and logs. For blocked users, you cannot share workflows, but you can:

  • Unshare workflows.

  • Change their role.

  • Modify their group assignments.

  • Delete them from the tenant.

To block a member, do the following:

  1. In the Actions column, select the Block User icon associated with the tenant member. The Block User window appears.

  2. To block the user, select Yes. The Block User icon turns orange, indicating the member is blocked from the tenant.

An orange Block User icon indicates a blocked tenant member. To unblock the member user, do the following:

  1. In the Actions column, select the Unblock User icon associated with the tenant member. The Unblock User window appears.

  2. To unblock the user, select Yes. The Unblock User icon turns purple, indicating the member is no longer blocked from the tenant.

User Roles

Each tenant member must be assigned at least one user role. They can also be assigned one or more group roles. Privileged tenant members assign user roles via the User Management page. Select the dropdown in the user’s Role column. The User Roles menu appears:

User Roles

The User Roles menu displays all the user roles available in the tenant, as well as the group roles (if any) currently assigned to the user. A checkmark indicates a role assigned to the user.

In the above illustration, note the following:

  • “HR” is a custom role. The others are predefined roles.

  • The only user selected role, “Workflow User” is not selectable because deselecting this role would remove the user’s only user role, and users must always be assigned to at least one user role.

  • The Group Roles area displays the group roles to which the user is assigned. The group name appears in parentheses next to the role.

Managing User Groups

In addition to the Default User Group provided provided by Dispatcher Stratus, you can create custom member groups, helping you organize your tenant members and bulk-assign roles. For example, you can create a user group for members who access the same workflows. User groups can contain any number of members, and members can belong to multiple groups.

The following sections describe your options.

Creating a Custom User Group

To create a user group, do the following:

  1. Select Create User Group. The Create New User Group window appears:

    Create New User Group window

  2. Enter a name for the group, then select OK. You return to the User Management page, where the new group appears in a table at the bottom of the page.

Configuring a User Group

The following sections describe your configuration options for user groups.

Assigning Users to a User Group

Once you create your own custom member groups, you can assign them to one or more of those groups. This process enables you to add or remove members in a group. Do the following:

  1. Select the box next to each user whose group membership(s) you want to reassign. To select all members in a table, select the box on the Header bar. The Bulk Actions menu appears.

    Assigning User Groups - Bulk Actions menu

  2. Select Assign Users to Groups. The Assign Users to Groups window appears:

    Assigning User Groups - Bulk Actions menu

  3. Select the groups to which you want to assign the selected member(s), and leave the other boxes blank. The Apply button activates.

  4. Once you have made your selections, select Apply. You return to the User Management page, where the member group tables update to reflect your selections.

Note: You can also assign users to groups when inviting people to join the tenant.

Default Group Member

Privileged users can assign a “default group member” to a user group. The default group member (if any) displays on the table’s header bar, and is used by the following People nodes:

  • People Group - All incoming jobs to the group are assigned to the default group member’s Jobs page.

  • People Queue. Before you can configure any Job Queues, you must first configure a group with a default member.

To specify a default group member, select the Gear folder icon on the header bar of the user group you want to modify. The Group Configuration Window appears.

Group Roles

In addition to user roles, tenant members can be assigned group roles. Group roles have the same functionality as user roles, and are constructed from the same list of permissions. However, group roles differ from user roles in the following ways:

  • Group roles are assigned to a user group, and then automatically applied to all users in the group. User roles are assigned to individual users manually, via the User Roles menu.

  • Unnassigning a group role from a user can affect the other members of the group.

  • Group roles are indicated by the group name in parentheses next to the role name.

Assigning a Group Role

Privileged users can assign a group role to a user group, so that all members of that group are automatically assigned that role, in addition to any other roles they have been assigned. The group role (if any) displays on the table’s header bar. The following illustration shows the “Documentation” user group, to which the role “Tenant User” has been specified as the group role:

Group role for a user group

To specify a group role, select the Gear folder icon on the header bar of the user group you want to modify. The Group Configuration Window appears.

Unassigning a Group Role

If you attempt to unassign a group role from a user group, the group role will change to “None”, but you must specify whether to unassign the role from all members of the group, or from the selected user only. Do the following:

  1. Locate the user group containing the user (users can belong to multiple user groups).

  2. In the user group’s table, select the Role dropdown associated with the user. The User Roles menu displays:

    Select a group role to unassign

  3. In the Group Roles section, select the role you want to unassign. The Remove Group Role window appears, displaying the following options:

    Remove Group Role window

    • Remove the role from all users in this group - The role disappears from the Group Roles section, and is de-selected in the User Roles section for all group members.

    • Allow users to keep the role individually - The role disappears from the Group Roles section, but remains selected in the User Roles section for all group members except the selected user. The following illustration shows the result for the selected user:

      Remove Group Role result - keep role individually

  4. To confirm your configuration, select Yes. Otherwise, select No.

Group Configuration Window

Use this window to specify a default group member and/or a group role for a selected user group. Do the following:

  1. Select the Gear folder on the header bar of the user group you want to modify. The Group Configuration window appears:

    Group Configuration window

  2. In the Default Group Member field, select the drop-down and choose a group role from the list that appears. You can also select “None”.

  3. In the Group Role field, select the drop-down and choose a group role from the list that appears. You can also select “None”.

  4. Once you change the existing settings, the No and Yes buttons activate. To abandon your changes, select No. To preserve your changes, select Yes.

Use the Search function to filter the member group tables to display only members matching a specified string. Do the following:

  1. Select the Magnifying Glass icon on the Page header bar. The Search Users field appears.

  2. Enter a search string. The member group tables on the page update immediately based on the specified search criteria.

Note: The Search feature searches the following fields:

  • Last Name

  • First Name

  • Email Address

  • Role